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  • February 02, 2025 3:08 PM | Brittney Roehrich (Administrator)

    Is everyone surviving winter?! If you’re dreaming of warmer temps, be sure to stop out to your local association home show in the next few months to see the latest spring and summer trends in the building industry. Fargo-Moorhead is up first (February 28th-March 2nd), Minot (March 14th-15th), Bismarck-Mandan (March 28th-29th), Grand Forks (March 29th-30th), Dickinson (April 4th-5th), and Williston (April 4th-5th).

    We our holding our annual “spring” meetings in Bismarck the first week of February along with our joint Legislative Social at Sixteen03 Main Events which is hosted biennially by NDAB and the North Dakota Association of REALTORS®. Committee meetings, our spring board meeting, and a visit to the Capitol are also on the itinerary. Save the date for the remainder of our 2025 events! The NDAB Summer Social will be in Minot on July 29th and the Summer Board Meeting on July 30th. Our year will conclude with our Annual Banquet in Grand Forks on November 4th and the final meeting of our 2025 Board of Directors will take place on November 5th.

    The International Builders’ Show is later this month on February 25th-27th in Las Vegas with leadership meetings beginning the weekend before. The show is celebrating its 81st year and it will have the biggest show floor in 15 years with over 1,700 exhibitors (716+ of them are NEW!). There will be 120+ education sessions and a segmented show floor separated into six categories, so you can quickly and easily find what interests you.

    The Area 10 Reception will be on February 25th at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort (NDAB’s hotel block) in Pavilion 3. This is a great opportunity to visit with your peers across the state and to also introduce yourself to our Student Chapters. Other events include the Gold Key/Platinum/Capitol Club Parties (Feb 24 – Club Members Only), Opening Ceremonies featuring David Spade (Feb 25), House Party (Feb 25 – SOLD OUT), Young Pro Party (Feb 26), and the Chris Janson Closing Concert (Feb 27).

    Go to to register if you haven’t already and you can view the IBS Preshow Planner here A detailed itinerary will be available and emailed to all NDAB attendees. Other NAHB events in 2025 include the Spring Leadership Meeting & Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. on June 10-13 and the Fall Leadership Meeting in Denver, CO on November 17-19. The Area 10 Leadership Conference will be in Des Moines, IA on April 16-17. Registration is coming soon!

    We are in month two of the North Dakota 69th Legislative Session. NDAB, which includes our lobbyist Lisa Feldner with Integrity Public Affairs, has a presence at the state capitol each day that the legislature is in session. The NDAB Government Affairs Committee has been meeting weekly to discuss important bills related to our industry and will continue to do so until the session ends. You can access the 2025 NDAB Legislative Policy Handbook on our website

    Please reach out to me with any questions about NDAB or your membership!

    Brittney Roehrich, NDAB CEO

  • January 02, 2025 8:57 AM | Brittney Roehrich (Administrator)

    The new year is here and the 69th North Dakota Legislative Session has begun! NDAB, which includes our lobbyist Lisa Feldner with Integrity Public Affairs, will have a presence at the state capitol each day that the legislature is in session. The NDAB Government Affairs Committee will meet weekly to discuss important bills related to our industry and take a position on whether to support or oppose. We will encourage legislators to implement laws that will help the economic impact of home building on our communities. You can access the 2025 NDAB Legislative Policy Handbook on our website

    In December I attended the State EO Meetings in California where 19 other state association Executive Officers gathered for a two-day meeting to discuss various topics such as Advocacy, PAC, Membership, and we had great discussion with NAHB CEO & President Jim Tobin. We were grateful to have him attend these meetings along with NAHB’s new Chief Advocacy Officer Ken Wingert who shared important advocacy updates. We also heard from various member benefits affiliates!

    Save the Date for our 2025 NDAB Events! Our joint Legislative Social with the North Dakota Association of REALTORS® will take place in Bismarck on February 4th at Sixteen03 Main Events with the Spring Board Meeting the following morning on February 5th. After the board meeting, we will have our hill day at the ND Capitol Building. The NDAB Summer Social will be in Minot on July 29th and the Summer Board Meeting on July 30th. Our year will conclude with our Annual Banquet in Grand Forks on November 4th and the final meeting of our 2025 Board of Directors will take place on November 5th. Keep your eye out for further details on all our events coming soon!

    Welcome to our new board members in 2025! LeRoy Thomas (BMHBA), Shelly Zeis (BIA-RRV), Melissa Bennett (FORX), Courtney Pardon (MAB), and Matt Lierz & Lee Lusht (WABA). Joe Hillerson with the BMHBA will step into a Senior Officer role as the Treasurer of NDAB. We are excited to have them join our leadership team!

    The 2025 International Builders’ Show is almost here and make sure you have registered if you haven’t yet. The show will take place in Las Vegas on February 25-27 and you can go to to register. The Area 10 Reception will be on February 25th at the Westgate Las Vegas Resort (NDAB’s hotel block) in Pavilion 3. This is a great opportunity to visit with your peers across the state and to also introduce yourself to our Student Chapters. Other NAHB events in 2025 include the Spring Leadership Meeting & Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C. on June 10-13 and the Fall Leadership Meeting in Denver, CO on November 17-19. The Area 10 Leadership Conference will be in Des Moines, IA on April 16-17. Registration is coming soon!

    Please reach out to me with any questions about NDAB or your membership! or 701-240-3540.

    Brittney Roehrich, NDAB CEO

  • December 09, 2024 2:17 PM | Brittney Roehrich (Administrator)

    Greetings NDAB Members,

    Looking back on this year as your President, it has been a great journey and experience for me.

    I’ve been extremely lucky to get to know a few more of you from across the state.

    I have to give my Executive Committee a lot of credit for a successful year as they are a great group of representatives from all the associations.

    I would also like to thank Brittney as she is an amazing shining light for our association!

    I also would like to encourage all local members to go to the next step and serve on your state board. It has been very rewarding and beneficial to me personally as well as my business.

    I have the utmost faith in our newly elected president Bob Horab, he’s going to do a fantastic job!

    As always here’s to each and everyone’s success in the future.

    Thank you all for placing your trust in me to lead the association in 2024!


    Tom Spaeth

    2024 NDAB President

  • December 02, 2024 9:10 AM | Brittney Roehrich (Administrator)

    The holidays are right around the corner, which is a great time to reflect on our member accomplishments from the past year. We look forward to 2025 with what the association can achieve in the new year!

    NDAB had a busy November with our fall events in Williston. The week started out on Veterans Day with a BUILD-PAC event where we hosted a “Bourbon and Bullets” class taught by the Bismarck Bourbon Baron, Scott Meske, along with a social and silent auction. NAHB’s Chairman of the Board, Carl Harris, was in attendance throughout the week for our events and meetings. We were so happy to have Carl back in North Dakota!

    Day two began with committee meetings and ended with our Annual Banquet at McCody Concrete. Thank you to Williston Mayor Klug for stopping by our event! We began our program by thanking our top 2024 PAC Contributors and Lifetime Spike Club members.

    Our 2024 Award winners were announced which included Builder of the Year (David Reid, Radiant Homes, BIA-RRV), Associate of the Year (Joyce Balstad, Syverson Tile & Stone, BIA-RRV), BEAM (Joe Hillerson, Boulder Homes, BMHBA), and the Member Recruitment Award (Forx Builders Association, Executive Officer Katie Boespflug). Congrats to our winners!

    We were lucky to have former Carl Harris do the installation of our 2025 Board of Directors and our 2025 President, Bob Horab (McCody Concrete). The evening included music from Gettin’ Outta Dodge, great food from Pit 105, and a silent auction with proceeds benefiting the NDAB Scholarship Fund and NDAB-PAC.

    The events came to an end with our fall board meeting on day three. We want to thank everyone for making the trip to Williston! A special thank you to the Western Area Builders Association (EO Sabrina Ramey) and the team at McCody Concrete for hosting us and assistance with planning, decorating, and helping to ensure our meetings & banquet ran smoothly.

    I would like to thank our outgoing NDAB board members from 2024, Joe Vetter & Rory Anderson (BMHBA), David Reid (BIA-RRV), Jim Sandbeck (FORX), Casey Schriock & Marie Hallof (MAB), and Lisa Patton & Tom Freeman (WABA). Thank you for sacrificing time away from your business and family to support the association.

    Don’t forget to register for the 2025 International Builders’ Show! The show will take place in Las Vegas on February 25-27. Take advantage of early registration by January 10th. Go to to register.

    Enjoy the holidays with family and friends!  Please reach out to me with any questions about NDAB or your membership. or 701-240-3540.

    Brittney Roehrich, NDAB CEO

  • November 01, 2024 10:07 AM | Brittney Roehrich (Administrator)

    November is Spike Appreciation Month! Do you know what the SPIKE Club is?! This is NAHB’s most valuable tool for recruitment and retention. Plus, Spikes can take advantage of a variety of benefits that come because of your recruitment efforts. Each year, Spikes who have recruited at least one new builder and/or associate member receive two tickets to the Closing Spike Concert (2025 – Country Artist Chris Janson) at the International Builders’ Show (IBS). In addition, Spikes who have recruited at least five new builder and/or associate members receive an invite to the VIP section at the concert where you can enjoy complimentary food and drinks.  Please visit with me if you’re unsure of your Spike status or how to “join” the club!

    NDAB’s fall events are almost here! They will be held in Williston, November 11th-13th. The BUILD-PAC Bourbon event is on November 11th, committee meetings & the Annual Banquet on November 12th, and the board meeting on November 13th. There will also be a tour of the Mountrail-Williams Electric Cooperative building on November 12th. If you haven’t registered for these events, please do so at We encourage all members to make the trip to Williston as we induct our 2025 Board of Directors, 2025 President Bob Horab, and announce our 2024 award winners!

    Early bird deals will be open until January 10th for the 2025 International Builders’ Show® (IBS). The 2025 show will take place in Las Vegas on February 25-27, and you can go to to register. You can also book your hotel room through the NDAB hotel block at the Westgate during registration. Register for other events such as the House Party, Young Professionals Party, and Closing Concert during registration as well.

    The 2025 Legislative Session is just around the corner. The NDAB Government Affairs Committee is working on a policy book for the session that will be shared with members soon. NDAB will have a presence at the state capitol each day that the legislature is in session and team NDAB will include our lobbyist Lisa Feldner with Integrity Public Affairs. We will encourage legislators to implement laws that will support the economic impact of home building on our communities. This is the time to see your NDAB-PAC dollars put to use!

    Upcoming Dates

    • NDAB Annual Banquet & Meetings: November 12-13 (Williston)
    • Bourbon Event: November 11 (Williston)
    • MWEC Tour: November 12 (Williston)
    • NAHB International Builders’ Show: February 25-27, 2025 (Las Vegas)
    • Area 10 Leadership Conference: April 16-17, 2025 (Des Moines, IA)

    Please reach out to me with any questions about NDAB or your membership! or 701-240-3540.

    Brittney Roehrich


  • October 03, 2024 12:32 PM | Brittney Roehrich (Administrator)

    October is Careers in Construction Month! This is the time for associations and members to help raise awareness of the well-paying jobs that are available in homebuilding and related trade professions. Governor Burgum has officially declared October as Careers in Construction Month in North Dakota. Workforce development is vital to help shape the next generation of builders.

    Delegates from NDAB recently attended NAHB’s Fall Leadership Meetings in San Antonio. The weather was wonderful and it’s always fun to reunite with other leaders from across the country. The NAHB Leadership Council, which is led by Chairman Carl Harris, held their meeting on October 3rd where various recommendations and resolutions were voted on.

    Save the date for the Area 10 Leadership Conference in 2025! This will be held in Des Moines, Iowa on April 16-17. This will coincide with BUILD MY FUTURE, a hands-on career immersion event that highlights careers available for high school students. This annual event pulls in over 5,000 students from 110+ schools across Iowa. Attendees of the conference will include emerging leaders, Executive Officers & staff across North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. This training is uniquely designed to offer sessions that support the professional development of both member leaders and HBA staff. Further information will be provided soon!

    Registration is open for the 2025 International Builders’ Show® (IBS). The 2025 show will take place in Las Vegas on February 25-27. Go to to register. You can also book your hotel room through the NDAB hotel block at the Westgate during registration. The IBS Closing Concert will feature Grand Ole Opry member and multi-platinum singer and songwriter Chris Janson. If you recruit one new builder and/or associate member during the year, you receive two complimentary tickets to the concert.  If you recruit at least five new builder and/or associate members you will receive an invitation to the Spike VIP section, where you can enjoy complimentary food and drinks for the duration of the show.  The deadline to recruit for the 2025 show is October 31st.

    NDAB’s fall events will be held in Williston, November 11-13. Be on the lookout for official email invitations with registration going live this month. There will be a BUILD-PAC Bourbon event the night of November 11th, committee meetings and the Annual Banquet on November 12th, and the board meeting on November 13th. The meetings and Annual Banquet will be at McCody Concrete. We encourage all members to make the trip to Williston as we induct our 2025 Board of Directors, 2025 President Bob Horab, and announce our 2024 award winners!

    Upcoming Dates

    • NDAB Annual Banquet & Meetings: November 12-13 (Williston)
    • Bourbon Event: November 11 (Williston)
    • NAHB International Builders’ Show: February 25-27, 2025 (Las Vegas)

    Please reach out to me with any questions about NDAB or your membership! or 701-240-3540.

    Brittney Roehrich


  • September 16, 2024 10:29 AM | Brittney Roehrich (Administrator)

    Greetings to all the great NDAB members out there!

    Summer has gone way too fast, and it seems like there is never enough time to take in all the fun activities. I’m hoping everyone had the opportunity to do a few fun things this season!

    We had our summer meeting in Grand Forks on the 30th and 31st of July. Our committee meetings and board meetings were well attended. We had a great BUILD-PAC fundraiser at the Eagles Club in East Grand forks and many great prizes and silent auction items were given away. I am now the proud owner of a set of NDAB cornhole boards that came with some very nice red, white and blue bags! Alicia Huey, NAHB’s Immediate Past Chairman, was there to join in the festivities and we found out she's pretty competitive when it comes to cornhole. 

    A few of our members will be attending the Fall NAHB meeting in San Antonio, Texas the first week of October. This should be a great week of meetings and events!

    I'm wondering where the time has gone this year serving as your state President. Before we begin the final quarter of 2024, I wanted to thank each and every one of the members that have given me the opportunity to serve in this position. It has been a great privilege.

    I hope the rest of your year is the best. 

    Remember to go out and vote!


    Tom Spaeth

    2024 NDAB President

  • September 03, 2024 11:01 AM | Brittney Roehrich (Administrator)

    The North Dakota Association of Builders would like to celebrate and recognize our invaluable Associate Members! In 1981 the National Association of Home Builders designated September as Associate Member Appreciation Month and since then September has become our time to celebrate the contributions our Associate members make to our industry every day. These members constitute approximately two-thirds of NAHB’s membership. Associates provide the support, trade skills and materials that every housing professional needs to do business every day. Thank you, Associates!

    Various Executive Officers and staff across the state attended NAHB’s Association Management Conference in Salt Lake City, August 22-22. We all had a great time learning from our peers from across the country and connecting with one another to gain insight on supporting our membership throughout North Dakota.

    Last call! Register for NAHB’s Fall Leadership Meetings in San Antonio, TX on October 1-3. These meetings bring together the Leadership Council, Board of Directors, committee/council members, and executive officers to make decisions and provide guidance on advocacy, membership and the future of the association. The meetings will be held at the JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country. Register at

    Registration is now open for the 2025 International Builders’ Show® (IBS)! The 2024 show welcomed nearly 70,000 visitors from more than 100 countries. The 2025 show will take place in Las Vegas on February 25-27. Go to to register in September. You can also book your hotel room through the NDAB hotel block at the Westgate when you register.

    NDAB’s fall events will be held in Williston, November 11-13. Be on the lookout for official email invitations with registration going live in October. There will be a BUILD-PAC Bourbon event the night of November 11th, committee meetings and the Annual Banquet on November 12th, and the board meeting on November 13th. The meetings and Annual Banquet will be at McCody Concrete. We encourage all members to make the trip to Williston as we induct our 2025 Board of Directors, 2025 President Bob Horab, and announce our 2024 award winners!

    Upcoming Dates

    • NAHB Fall Leadership Meeting: October 1-3 (San Antonio, TX)
    • NDAB Annual Banquet & Meetings: November 12-13 (Williston)
    • BUILD-PAC Bourbon Event: November 11 (Williston)
    • NAHB International Builders’ Show: February 25-27, 2025 (Las Vegas)

    Please reach out to me with any questions about NDAB or your membership! or 701-240-3540.

    Brittney Roehrich


  • August 02, 2024 11:18 AM | Brittney Roehrich (Administrator)

    Summer is starting to wind down, but we are definitely still feeling the heat! I hope you all enjoy the last part of the season with family and friends.

    We recently held our annual summer events in late July. The BUILD-PAC Summer Social took place the evening of July 30th at the Eagles Club in East Grand Forks and the Summer Board Meeting was held at the Olive Ann Hotel in Grand Forks on July 31st. Special Guest, NAHB’s Immediate Past Chairman of the Board Alicia Huey, attended and we were so happy to have her stop by our great state! All proceeds benefited BUILD-PAC, NAHB’s bipartisan political arm, which helps elect pro-housing, pro-business candidates to federal office. We were so happy to have local members, statewide members, staff and special guests attend. Thank you to the FORX staff and directors for helping us with this great event! We had great food catered by member company, Spud Jr.

    NAHB’s Association Management Conference (AMC) is coming up soon in Salt Lake City, August 20-22. This is a premier professional development conference for HBA Executive Officers (EOs)/CEOs and staff. At AMC, EOs and HBA staff gather to learn, create a community of HBA peers to consult with, and share ideas and walk away with actionable steps to create a stronger and more profitable association.

    Register now for NAHB’s Fall Leadership Meetings in San Antonio, TX on October 1-3. These meetings bring together the Leadership Council, Board of Directors, committee/council members, and executive officers to make decisions and provide guidance on advocacy, membership and the future of the association. The meetings will be held at the JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country. Register at

    Registration opens for the 2025 International Builders’ Show® (IBS) on September 3rd. The 2024 show welcomed nearly 70,000 visitors from more than 100 countries. The 2025 show will take place in Las Vegas on February 25-27. Go to to find out more information and to register in September. You will also be able to access the NDAB hotel block at the Westgate once registration is live.

    NDAB’s fall events will be held in Williston, November 11-13. Be on the lookout this fall for official email invitations with registration. The BUILD-PAC fundraising event will be held the night of November 11th, which will be a Bourbon Tasting hosted by Scott “Fuzzy” Meske. Committee meetings will take place November 12th and the day will conclude with our Annual Banquet. The Fall Board Meeting will convene on November 13th. The meetings and Annual Banquet will be at McCody Concrete. We encourage all members to make the trip to Williston as we induct our 2025 Board of Directors, 2025 President Bob Horab, and announce our 2024 award winners!

    Upcoming Dates

    • NAHB Fall Leadership Meeting: Oct 1-3, 2024 (San Antonio, TX)
    • BUILD-PAC Bourbon Event, NDAB Annual Banquet, & Meetings: Nov 11-13, 2024 (Williston)
    • NAHB International Builders’ Show: Feb 25-27, 2025 (Las Vegas, NV)

    Please reach out to me with any questions about NDAB or your membership! or 701-240-3540.

    Brittney Roehrich


  • July 01, 2024 9:07 AM | Brittney Roehrich (Administrator)

    Summer is officially in full swing! With this being the busiest time of the year for our members, we hope you are still able to enjoy the summer months with friends and family amidst your working hours. Stay safe and cool out there!

    Various NDAB members and association staff recently traveled to Washington, D.C. for the National Association of Home Builders Spring Leadership Meetings and Legislative Conference. We had a productive week of NAHB meetings which includes the Leadership Council meeting where our state’s National Delegates vote and act as the voice of the home building industry. BUILD-PAC held their annual parties for Capitol, Platinum, and Gold Key Club members. The parties were held at the Nationals Park Baseball Stadium.

    NAHB’s Legislative Conference took place on June 12th where our members gathered on Capitol Hill for meetings with our North Dakota delegation which included Senator Hoeven, Congressman Armstrong’s staff, and Senator Cramer’s staff. Various issues were discussed including lumber tariffs, energy codes, transformer shortages, and workforce development. Continuing conversations with members of Congress is vital to our organization and the home-building industry. Thank you to those who took the time to come to Washington, D.C. to be the voices of NDAB on behalf of our members!

    The NDAB Board of Directors voted earlier this year to oppose the initiated ballot measure circulating to eliminate property taxes in North Dakota. NDAB is part of the statewide coalition, Keep It Local, a diverse group spanning various political ideologies and community interests. The coalition launched on June 20th. We do think there needs to be property tax reform, but we don’t believe this proposed measure would accomplish this. Please follow for more information.

    Our summer events are right around the corner! The BUILD-PAC Sumer Social will take place the evening of July 30th at the Eagles Club in East Grand Forks and the Summer Board Meeting will be held at the Olive Ann Hotel in Grand Forks. Special Guest, NAHB’s Immediate Past Chairman of the Board Alicia Huey, will be in attendance for both the social and our board meeting. All proceeds will benefit BUILD-PAC, NAHB’s bipartisan political arm, which helps elect pro-housing, pro-business candidates to federal office.  If you haven’t registered yet, go to to sign up!

    Upcoming Dates

    • NDAB Summer Social/BUILD-PAC Event & Meetings: July 30-31 (Grand Forks)
    • NAHB Fall Leadership Meeting: October 1-3 (San Antonio, TX)
    • NDAB Bourbon Event, Annual Banquet, & Meetings: November 11-13 (Williston)

    Please reach out to me with any questions about NDAB or your membership! or 701-240-3540.

    Brittney Roehrich


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The North Dakota Association of Builders represents the professional building industry through legislation, information and education.

(701) 222-2401
1120 College Dr, Ste 101

Bismarck, ND 58501




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